Selasa, 24 Mei 2011

Cheat Token Ninja Saga

Alat dan bahan :

  • Fiddler
  • File "Download"
  • Browser mu ( firefox google chrome etc )
Cara Penggunaan :
  1. Buka Akun Facebook mu dan Login
  2. Download File yang telah tersedia
  3. Buka Ninja Saga kamu, tapi jangan pilih karakter dulu..
  4. Lalu Jalankan Fiddler
  5. Klik Tab AutoResponder
  6. Lalu Centang kotak "Enable automatic responses" dan juga "Permit passthrough for unmatched request"
  7. Drag File yang kamu download ke AutoResponder
  8. Setelah itu bersihkan chace
  9. Baru pilih karakter yang akan kamu mainkan

Cara Menghapus chace :
  • Untuk Mozilla Firefox : Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Pilih Network Tab -> Clear Now -> Klik OK
  • Untuk Google Chrome : Pilih icon yang berada di pojok kanan atas (sebelah bintang) -> Options -> Under the Hood -> Clear Browsing Data -> Empty the cache -> Clear Browsing Data

SELAMAT MENCOBAJangan Lupa FoLLow Blog Ini
By : Vincent Cheater Sejati

Cheat PB update 24 Mei 2011

Fitur :

Cara Penggunaan :
-Matikan Antivirus >apabila sudah terdetecsi Virus akan BT [VIRUS GAK
-Masukan Password >> Sudah di dalam Rar
-Buka Pb

-Active menu On/Off : Insert
-Actived che*t : Arah Panah Kaanan
-Disable che*t : Arah Panah Ki

-Fitur DC jngan Di On kan [Akan Disconect/BT]
-Seperti Biasa
-Dan Dilarang klik kanan
-No Show Off , karena Setiap x share pasti Bertahan 2-4x Sehari
-Ntar Kalau Dah BT Gunakan Cara pakai Lepas Flahsdisk
Tested WINDOWS XP 2 Work selama 2 jam lebih


Download : ►►►

Cheat Ayodance Paket 3

Cheat Ayodance Hack Paket 3 AYODANCE
Fitur :
Map Haunted=======>> F1
PF On=============>> F3
PF OFF============>> F4
Mode C4===========>> F5
Mode CFS==========>> F6
Insane On=========>> F7

Insane OFF========>> F8
Story On==========>> F9
Story OFF=========>> F10
Invite 1NPC=======>> F11
Nick Room Hack====>> F12
Skin Normal=======>> Numeric /
Skin White========>> Numeric *
Skin Black========>> Numeric -
Chance Random=====>> 1
Chance Free=======>> 2
Chance Dynamic====>> 3
Open Last Npc=====>> 4
TIme Hack=========>> Delet
2Key==============>> End
Hidden Song=======>> Page Up
Emotion+Anti Sensor: Page Down
Anti DC Hack Chance: Auto On
Anti DC Hack Move : Auto On
Black Map Haunted: Auto On, ( Jika Maen DI Map Haunted)

Download Cheat :
Download Now

Vincent Cheater Sejati

Cheat Pockie Ninja Medal

- The System, will tempt you to use them, for obtaining Outfits through Jars, aswell as being awarded prizes for opening the most amount of jars in the Day. [IGNORE IT]

These Medals, are your precious key to leveling up, and becoming a very strong surviving Ninja in this fast paced growing world.

- When reaching new Ranks in the arena, you will receive a higher [EXCHANGE RATE] for your [ARENA MEDALS] which you can turn into [EXPERIENCE!]

The Arena, is Designed like this:
Elementary I, II, II, IV
Junior [PREP], I, II, III
Senior I, II, II
College I, II, II
Master I, II, II
*will update remaining when i get home* ^_^

*Tip: Save ALL of your medals, until you reach Principal Rank, which is the Final Rank. At this point, you will have THE BEST [EXCHANGE RATE] for all of your [ARENA MEDALS] you have saved. This will give you a HUGE ADVANTAGE against other players! It will take some time, but if you follow my [ARENA JUDGES] Guide, you will get there in no time! ^_^

Cheat Pockie Ninja Medal

Hello Ninjas,
Welcome to Little Ninja Camp! Where you will discover many hidden secrets this game beholds.

Each of the following Sections, is Split/Organized in such a way, that it almost forces you to read each section, this way you do not miss anything! Enjoy and Goodluck, oh. And Your Welcome ^_^

BTW! Just a note, there at 2 posts open and available for further input towards this guide that i will be adding! Check back for updates, as well you can leave a suggestion for further content you would like me to discuss ^_^

Table Of Contents:

- Using Medals for Exp  - //POST #1
Arena Judges - //POST #1

- Refreshing/Speeding Up Fights - //POST #2
- Demon Proofs - // POST #2

- Get RICH Guide - // POST #3
- Things [To/Not To] Spend Your Coupons On - // POST #3

- Pet Secrets/Tips - // POST #4
Synthesis Secrets -  //POST #4


I. [Using Medals For Exp] 

When starting in the arena, the game system will provide you with a basic tutorial on using [ARENA MEDALS] to open a jar, for the cost of 200 [ARENA MEDALS].